Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ezSQLcore has a deprecated constructor in /home/hotelsgds/public_html/includes/ez_sql_core.php on line 29

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ezSQL_mysqli has a deprecated constructor in /home/hotelsgds/public_html/includes/ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 33

Warning: Declaration of ezSQL_mysqli::query($query) should be compatible with ezSQLcore::query() in /home/hotelsgds/public_html/includes/ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 344

Warning: Declaration of ezSQL_mysqli::escape($str) should be compatible with ezSQLcore::escape() in /home/hotelsgds/public_html/includes/ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 344

Warning: Declaration of AI::get_var($sql) should be compatible with ezSQLcore::get_var($query = NULL, $x = 0, $y = 0) in /home/hotelsgds/public_html/includes/connection.php on line 10

Warning: Declaration of AI::get_row($sql) should be compatible with ezSQLcore::get_row($query = NULL, $output = OBJECT, $y = 0) in /home/hotelsgds/public_html/includes/connection.php on line 10

Warning: Declaration of AI::get_results($sql) should be compatible with ezSQLcore::get_results($query = NULL, $output = OBJECT) in /home/hotelsgds/public_html/includes/connection.php on line 10
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